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temen2, yang mau donlod UTS Labling, langsung ambil aja di link di bawah yaa...
selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha... :)
alhamdulillah, TL 2010 bisa mengorbankan satu ekor kambing di hari raya Idul Adha kali ini,
emang, TL 2010 Luar Biasa.... TL 2010 ! Action!!!!!
materi uTS labling
Alhamdulillahhirobbil alamin
tak ada kata selain syukur yang bisa kami panjatkan..
Menjelang 22 April 2011, yang disebut sebagai hari bumi sedunia, Teknik lingkungan 2011 tidak berhenti berkreasi...
kami membuat rangkaian kegiatan yang spektakular, OUR BIG PLAN, yang akan diadakan pada tanggal 15 - 25 April 2011
This is the Master Plan....
Facing the challenges of globalization and sustainable development of human resources, both expertise and a quality skilled and responsive to environmental issues is still very much needed. Driven by ideas and beliefs as well as foundation and spirit to face these challenges encourage the establishment of the Environmental Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering of Diponegoro University who stood by the letter, the Director General of Higher Education No. 377/DIKTI / PEM / 1998 set on October 21, 1998.
Environmental Engineering Program began accepting new students in the odd semester of the school year 1999/2000. Head of Department first is Ir. Nasrullah, MS with the Secretary of the Department is Ir. Syafrudin, CES, MT.
Environmental Engineering Program has received accreditation outcome B (in accordance with SK BAN PT MONE No: 018/BAN-PT/Ak-X/S1/VIII/2007.
Environmental Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering Studies Program to be a leader in the development of Science and Technology (Science and Technology) in general and Environmental Engineering Technology in accordance with the needs and development of society both locally, regionally and globally.
1. Organizing higher education degree level (Tier 1) in the field of Environmental Engineering Technology through the process of Tri Dharma in Professional Higher Education so as to produce graduates with a competitive advantage and cooperative. 2. Implement, develop and disseminate Science and Technology Engineering Environmental Technology in efforts to achieve environmental sustainability in both the terrestrial and coastal environment in harmonious and balanced in order to realize the welfare of the community and the world and join the intellectual life of the nation. 3. Advance research, publications and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the development of Science and Technology (Science and Technology). 4. Implementing Community Service with respect to local knowledge as the implementation of Science and Technology (Science and Technology).
1. Being the center of the development of science in engineering and environmental technology at local, national and international. 2. Produce graduates with basic engineering in the field of a strong and professional environment. 3. Produce research-oriented research excellence and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) as well as play a role in the development of engineering science and technology environment. 4. Contribute to problem solving as a form of Community Service through the approach to appropriate technology and community development.
Hidayat, Director of Mitratani Self Prime (Mittran). The business manage waste into renewable energy, and sell it to utilities. A number of residential waste management services are now wearing them.
What volume of waste generated per day of capital? According to the records of DKI Jakarta Sanitation Department, each person in the garbage the city produces an average of 2.9 liters per day. With a population of about 12 million people, including the commuter, every day they pile up 26 945 cubic meters or about 6,000 tons of garbage. If all the rubbish had been piled at the Park National Monument (Monas), which covers about 110 hectares, certainly within 40 days the park will be transformed into one-meter-high pile of garbage!.
Instead of processed adhere to the principle of reuse, reduce, recycle, waste was simply dumped on the Final Disposal (TPA) Bantar Gebang. If you do not take into account the carrying capacity, it is not impossible cases longsornya midden that killed local people likely to recur. Latest news, now there are six companies from Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, Canada, and Singapore are competing waste management project in Bantar Gebang. They claim to be able to process and generate carbon credits based on the concept of clean development mechanism (CDM).
Indeed, on the outskirts of Jakarta, there Hidayat who can manage the waste according to the CDM concept earlier. Under the auspices of the Foundation House Change, PT Mitratani Self Prime (Mittran) his has to do the things that foreign entrepreneurs had promised two years ago. He was even able to supply biomass for several companies.
Trash exchanged Milk
Originally, the Hidayat is a supplier to the supermarket Hero chrysanthemum flower. In addition, since 1993, he also produces waste processing machinery, such as plastic or presses a thrasher garbage. However, the majority of machines sold was just a mere decoration. Buyers, who mostly come from a number of local governments, not to optimize its operation. "Rather than mangkrak machine in the barn, why not all companies offer waste management services?" Thought Hidayat, at the time.
As a first step, Hidayat offers the concept of waste management in the neighborhood where he lived, in the region Jatimurni, Bekasi. "Resistance citizens immense," he moaned. Men born in Magelang, August 26, 1963 was then requested permission of the RT / RW authorities to install trash cans on the main streets of many villages inhabited by lower social class society. One of the first month, every morning, employees Mittran pick up the trash. As an introduction, he is not charging a penny. A month passed, before a meeting of citizens, it offers an option: people will continue to use his services to clean up the environment or not. As a result, all residents continue to use the services of Mittran consensus. As an entrepreneur, he then said that the service is not free.
For each bin, he is allowed to charge fees Rp30.000 per month. One barrel can be used together or individually. If the six families taking a barrel, means each family only pay Rp 5,000 per month. Later, with the pickup, Mittran workers will only take waste that is inserted in the barrel. If there is a runoff, they would leave in place originally. "I want people to calculate how much rubbish they produce each day," said Hidayat. So, if people want to cut trees or hold a celebration, which will produce garbage if more than usual, they should coordinate with the Mittran.
Well, that waste was spilling out of the barrel, the company offers barter for goods that can be recycled, such as telephone books, old newspapers, or a bottle of ketchup. Each kilogram, the company gave a 500 that can be exchanged with eggs, instant noodles, or milk. According to this Kusmayawati husband, the program can stimulate people to sort garbage to be discarded.
Options wearing barrels, instead of cement garbage bins, and place them on major roads, excluding the narrow alley, this is for the sake of efficiency. Hidayat account to collect the garbage can take 1.2 minutes. Compare with the trash that takes 6 minutes because staff have to scratch deeper. This means, in one hour, the officer is able to collect 40-50 Mittran barrel. If the officer working hours only six hours, they can pick up trash from 300 barrels in a region inhabited by 1500 families. "We are implementing systems such as PLN. If the resident fails to pay the levy, the company will withdraw and leave the garbage cans are scattered in front of their homes, "said an only child who grew up in this military family environment. Tong was, he added, belong to the company.
In addition to dealing with waste in the region Jatimurni, Mittran also serves waste management in housing in the area Cinere, Cibubur, and Citeureup, besides Ciroyom Market, Bandung. "If you just buy the garbage processing machines, customers come from all over Indonesia," said UI graduate of the Faculty of Economics, proud. Now Mittran overwhelmed serve the demand from residential developers who terpincut with corporate style manage waste. However, companies do not take any chances. Because the volume of incoming waste must be balanced with a processing capacity of processing machine, so there are no hoarding. Every day, new Mittran able to manage the 7.5 tonnes of garbage.
Law of Conservation of Energy
After the garbage collected, pickup immediately drove to the place of processing. There, waste put into sorting machine. The organic waste will be composted, while inorganic will experience a longer process, namely through the chopper and washing machine. The result was there were two options. Plastic waste which is still in good condition will be sold for recycling by other parties, while the trash that can not be left unharmed again be compacted to be used as biomass. Customer Mittran biomass is made of cement plants of PT Indocement Tunggal Tbk. They asked for 10,000 tons of biomass per month, unfortunately, can meet new Mittran 300 tons. This does not include requests from other cement plant, PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk., And several sugar mills. "They use biomass as fuel prices more expensive and want to get carbon credits," said Hidayat. Currently, more Hidayat, it was exploring cooperation with Japan for the technology of plastic into diesel fuel modifier, and of carrier gas methane contained in waste.
Mittran currently employs 25 employees of the management, and dozens of freelance workers at the mills. For packing compost, for example, companies receive unemployment pay Rp100 per bag produced. In the morning they put the ID card, in the afternoon can take it back plus the money from his labors. Under the auspices of the Foundation House Change, Mittran held a 1000 creation of entrepreneur programs rubbish. They educate prospective entrepreneurs who are interested in developing this business in other regions. "This extraordinary business opportunity. If managed properly, waste can be very valuable, "said Roy Kuntjoro, Hidayat partners in the House Amendment.
Basically, Mittran business grounded in the law of conservation of energy, and Hidayat by wrapping it with the theory of intelligent business. "Now, if you see the leaves fall from the tree, I immediately thought, ah, that's energy. If we were, could get money, "Hidayat said, laughing. This billiard enthusiasts deplore the potential energy and businesses that are stored in waste piles at the landfill Bantar Gebang, Leuwigajah, or Keputih, but not used optimally. "Rather than bother digging coal in the bowels of the earth, why not get it from the garbage that is around us?" He asked.
From the trash business, according to estimates Warta Ekonomi, Mittran get at least 225 million per month. This does not include revenues from sales of machines, garbage fees, garbage fees prospective entrepreneurs, and the fee from the company its customers. "Just enough to enjoy life," said the father of Tio and Yoga, the calm. Nevertheless, he returned the profits to the community in the form of education. Therefore, the business prospects of exceptional value, less than ten years she plans to register his company to the trading floor. Once a row, the company can pursue environmental hygiene, getting alternative energy, and of course-pundinya fatten coffers.
"Mittran Group" Jl. Hankam Raya Gg. Rambutan No. Jatimurni 51, Pondok Gede Bekasi Phone: 021-8459-2981, HP. 081380645959 Fax: 021-8459-2981
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This place contain a important material for lecture, environmental engineering...
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CV Environmental Engineering 2010 (Excel point)
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CV Environmental Engineering 2010 (Word point)
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Yel-yel Teknik Lingkungan 2010 60 detik
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the head of the Armed Halal Bi Halal TL 2003 - 2010 |
articles made with difficulty, steal time, and a full appreciation of this will comfort the friends of all. what's it??
let's check it out!
Thursday, October 14, 2010, in the mosque t. civil, at 4 pm
an exclusive interview with the head of the armed halal bi halal TL 2003 - 2010, ahmad my name.
event held on the 1st of October 2010 in room c. 304 civil campus yesterday to give the impression that appeal to the participants and the committee. halal bi halal event involves students from the armed TL 2003 - 2010 and became the first event held by freshman TL. in accordance with the theme, 'knit relationship, reach achievement', the event aims to establish a relationship of various forces. This event was attended by 200 people comprising of new students and students from various armed TL
This activity is very simple. begins with the opening of the MC, I’m n zulfikar, with greeting basmalah. then continued with the reading of the Quran by aa bim and Khafid. After that, welcome - welcome by ahmad myname, as chairman of the committee, dedication as komting 2010, kak HMTL nova as chairman, and chairman Hayatun Nufus. After that, kak Imron hamzah of psychology Undip 2006 provides a full Tausyiah wisdom to the participants. entering the core event, the event halal bi halal, the atmosphere turned into a solemn c.304 space. greet each participant then continued shaking hands with meals.
The execution of an event always provides a deep impression to the committee for the committee especially halal bi halal. The event committee organized by the new 2010 TL is the first time that it becomes an introduction to organizational campus arena. White black pengkonsepan event into the main menu in meetings held by the committee. However overall, the event was lively, giving pride to the committee.
Ni intermezo just guys, going I’m love a particular coverage, a special vent without the egg from the chairman of halal bi halal, Ahmad Naufal.
Before I start telling about what's on my mind when appointed as chairman, do not forget I am grateful to kak SC Ilman as a very helpful work on the show this halal bi halal, Januar Kak, Kak Nova, Mr. Syafrudin, Mr. Mochtar, the committee is already working hard to succeed the event, maskam as the main meeting place, room C 304 is not forgotten, donors of equipment, and related parties who have not had time to be named. That's All.
Okay, go to the core of the story, are you ready?
I'll begin the story ..
This event is the first event that I lead since I was born. Perhaps you know that the experience of the new organization I feel in TL Undip 2010. If you look at my CV that there may be organizational experience, it's all real because it is a lie just to fill the void my CV alone.
First of all I feel nervous about this event. For what? can you imagine, just a month I know TL and friends. But great I was able to lead this very important event, because this is history for my life. This is my first event and I was chairman.
Everything was going so fast. Life is like a rocket. Actually this event is a very simple event because the event was under pressure from certain obligations that must be obeyed. And because we do not yet know each other so at the time the event a lot of shortcomings but more EXCESS. Wkwkwkwk ....
All fatigue paid off already as a proud smile brother heart rate. "Well the show succeed as well!" I told myself. Maghrib arrived, acarapun full. Free of all responsibility.
But after 1 week 2 weeks went by it felt bored, too. Lecturer return home duty assignment Lecture's home tasks. Remembering when the load is still there on the shoulders, remembering when mat less. Banner has not finished, not yet planned But that's my past. The old days that gives color in my life. Hahaha
That's All ..
How, interesting right?
Okay, wait for me in the next episode